Should Widowers Keep Nude Photos of the Late Wife?

A viewer writes: I'm dating a widower who has nude photos of his late wife saved on his phone. Should he keep or delete these photos? My latest Widower Wednesday has the answer.

Hi, it's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another video edition of Widower Wednesday. I'm Abel Keogh, author of the book Dating a Widower. And today I'm answering a question from a viewer who writes: Abel, I'm dating a widower who has nude photos of his late wife saved on his phone. Should he keep or delete these photos?

Answer is pretty straightforward on this one.

While I don't have a problem with widowers keeping some photos of their late wife, preferably kind of packed away, I do draw the line at nude photos. If any nude photos of the late wife exist, they need to be permanently deleted off of his phone or other devices. If there are hard copies, they need to be destroyed.

There are no exceptions to this rule.

Nude photos of the late wife have absolutely no place in your relationship at all. Now, if the widower refuses to delete or get rid of the photos, or maybe he tells you, I'll put them in a special folder, I'll lock the folder, no one can never get into it. Basically, what he's telling you is that he's not ready to make you number one in his heart. The only person he should be seen naked is you and not anyone else, even if that person is deceased.

So, again, yes, he should delete them. He should get rid of them. He shouldn't even have them. They have no place in your relationship. And I guarantee they will drive a huge wedge between you and the widower if he does keep them. So absolutely not.

And if you have a different opinion, I always try to hear people justify this. If you want to do it, go ahead and do it in the comments. Happy to hear what you say. But again, no place for nude photos. I see zero value.

I always ask myself, and this is the question you should ask yourself, how do nude photos strengthen the relationship that you have with this new woman? How do they strengthen your relationship? I mean, honestly, we're talking nude photos of the late wife here. How do those strengthen your relationship? If you got an answer to that, pop it in the comments. I'd love to see it. And if it's a good one and I'm happy to read it and say that I'm wrong, but pop those things in the comments. Let me know.

If you want to go ahead and like this video, please go ahead and do that. Subscribe to this channel. If you want to schedule a coaching session with me about this or any other topic, you can do so. There's a link in the description to this video as well. I'm Abel Keogh, author of the book Dating a Widower. And I'll see you next Wednesday.