Running to the top of Mount Crumpit

Wishing all of my readers a happy, healthy, and successful 2024! One of my New Year's resolutions is to use my time better and finish my next relationship guide about how to find your soulmate. It's a project that percolated in my brain through most of 2023 and finally started writing last month.

Another is to enjoy every moment with my family. With 2 of our 7 kids out of the house and serving LDS missions, Julianna and I really felt the void this holiday season.

My third is to finally run a half marathon. Yes, I run 6 days a week but it's more habit than anything (one our dog always appreciates). This year I started training for a half then broke my foot two weeks in. The doctor says I need to follow a training schedule that's more in line with my age instead of someone in their 20s. This year I resolve to listen to the good doctor.

And speaking of running, below you'll find a photo from the top of Mount Crumpit—a run I did on December 23 with one of my sons and 5 friends and neighbors. It was 5 miles to the top with over 3,000 feet of elevation gain then back down to Whoville. If I can make that climb in 1 hour 45 minutes, then 13.1 miles should be a cinch!