How to Forgive a Widower and Move On with Your Life

Widowers often do or say things that hurt the women they're dating or married to. Sometimes they're small transgressions while others leave lasting emotional scars. No matter the offense it's vital that you forgive, forget, and move on with life. So how to do you forgive a widower who's hurt you? Relationship coach and widower expert Abel Keogh has the answer.

A Remarried Widower Reviews Netflix's "Rebecca"

"Rebecca" tells the story of a young woman who strikes up a whirlwind romance with a wealthy widower then moves to his mansion in England and feels she's living in the late wife's shadow. How realistically are widower issues portrayed? Is it a film you should watch with your widower? Widower expert and relationship coach Abel Keogh has the answer in this bonus Widower Wednesday video.