Where's Abel?

Q: It’s been awhile since you updated your blog. Where have you been? A: Writing, writing, writing. Oh, and did I mention I was writing? Just not on my blog.

Q: Can you give us an idea what you’ve been working on?

A: Aside from all the direct response marketing writing I do at work, I’ve picked up a bunch of new freelance copywriting clients. Oh, and I started a new book.

Q: I had no idea you do freelance copywriting. How long have you been doing that?

A: A couple years. It’s a fun way to stretch my writing abilities and pad my writing portfolio. Oh, and the extra money is nice too. I spend it on Marathon Girl and my kids.

Q: Wait, what was that about starting a new book?

A: Yeah, I’ve started a new book.

Q: What happened to the book you were working on this summer?

A: I finished it. Right now a 95,000 word manuscript is sitting on my hard drive – backed up, of course – waiting for me to do something with it.

Q: How come you haven’t submitted it to agents, publishers, or others who might be interested in it?

A: Because something’s wrong with it. I don’t know what, exactly, but it’s not ready to send out. I’ll probably rework it after I get book done.

Q: Can you give us a preview of this book?

A: Not at this time. I can say that I’m very happy with this manuscript and hope to shop it around in January 2009. Look for more information then.

Q: So have you given up writing on the blog?

A: No, of course not. I love writing on my blog.

Q: What can we look forward to on this blog in the coming weeks?

A: An essay on the selfishness of grief, my curiosity over Hillary Clinton accepting the Secretary of State job, and (hopefully) and update on baby #4.

Q: I’m glad you haven’t given up on the blog. When can we expect to see your next post.

A: Early next week.

Q: Do you –

A: Sorry, there’s no more time for questions. I have a lot of copy that must be finished by the end of the day. Catch up with me later.

Q: Thanks for the update. Looking forward to your next post!

Dealing With the Suicide of a Spouse

My latest post on the HopeToHope blog is up. It's a response to the following question: I am angry at my wife and angry at God. My wife shot herself after receiving the news that she had been fired for a drinking problem. How do I deal with the fact that my pastor says, “God does not give more than we can endure?” Some days I feel like jumping off a bridge but I have two boys to raise. Any advice? You can read my answer here.

Eight Years and Counting

Eight Years of Exercise

Eight years.

That’s how long it’s been since I stood in front of the mirror aghast at the marshmallow shape my body was taking.

Eight years.

That’s how long it’s been since I tied a worn pair of running shoes to my feet, drove down to the local high school and discovered I couldn’t even make it once around the track once without gasping for breath.

Eight years.

That’s how long it’s been since I decided to change my life, cut out soda and junk food from my diet, and get myself in shape.

The results of eight years of hard work?

I can run with Marathon Girl for an hour (pushing a double wide stroller while I’m at it), bench my weight (a big accomplishment since my body came with almost no muscle mass), do over 100 sit-ups without breaking a sweat, run 7:30 miles without getting tired, and am extremely happy with the way my body looks. (As is Marathon Girl.)

But the best part? Running into people (no, not literally) that I haven’t seen in roughly eight years who don’t recognize me because of the changes to my body.

Yeah, that last part is the icing on the cake.