Random Thoughts from This Weekend

Marathon Girl and I must eat a lot of Chinese food. The other day we were deciding where we'd like to go out and eat and when Aidan realized what we were talking about he came running up and said the words "Chinese food!" over and over again.


Would it kill a TV station to air a Detroit Tiger game once a month? I'm tired of looking at upcoming televised games and seeing only the Yankees, Mets, Cubs, White Sox, Dodgers, and Angels on the schedule. Contrary to popualr belief, I'm not the only Tiger fan out there.

One the things I enjoy doing most is chasing Aidan. Despite the fact I run three or four times a week, I seem to tire physically from the game much sooner than Aidan.

I'm slowly working toward my goal of benching my weight by the end of the year. The only discouraging part of this goal is the knowledge that benching my weight would be something most men could do very easily.

Aidan turned two recently. It seems like just yesterday he was born. These have to be the fastest two years of my life.
The best part of my weekend was rocking Steven to sleep for an afternoon nap. Rocking babies to sleep has to be one of my favorite activities.