New Website

Regular visitors to my site will notice that I've launched a new website. It's something I've wanted to do for the last year or so but haven't had the time to do it until now. 

The biggest reason for the change was that I wanted something that would look good on phones. That goal has been achieved. There were other technical changes I wanted enabled as well, including the ability for people to subscribe to blog posts.

There is still more work to be done. Over the next couple weeks I'll be launching a new and improved store for those who'd like personalized copies of my books. Other improvements, including tweaking the look and feel a bit, are on their way too.

I'm still finding some bugs on the site. If you happen to notice something, please send me an email or leave a comment below and I'll work to resolve them as fast as possible.

Thanks for reading.

2012 Blog Changes

Happy New Year, everyone. I hope 2012 is off to a great start for all of you.  I’m making changes to my blog this year in order to give readers a better idea what they can expect from this blog. My goal is to not only write more often but make the blog more predictable and interesting for readers.

Starting today the following columns will appear every week:

Monday – Column will focus on writing, publishing, industry changes, and other writing and book related topics including current writing projects.

Wednesday – Widower Wednesday columns will continue.

Friday – Will focus on current events, politics, and things of that nature.

Appearing at least once a month (maybe more depending on what’s going on in my life)

Tuesday or Thursday – Family related posts. What Marathon Girl, me, and the kids are up to.

Saturday or Sunday – Videos, pop culture, sports, and lighter topics.

Whether you’re new to this blog or have been reading for years, I hope these changes will make the blog more enjoyable.