There Is a God

LOST: The Series Fanale

I’ve slacked on my LOST episode reviews this year mostly because I’ve been busy finishing up The Third, writing the sequel, and being a father and husband to four great kids and one fantastic wife.

I will say that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this season—it’s by far the best of the series—as well as getting answers to all the questions. This week’s episode, for example really ratcheted up the tension leading to the final confrontation between Locke and whoever manages to stay alive.

And, thanks to the good folks at ABC who never miss an opportunity to sell more advertising, the final episode of LOST has been extended by 30 minutes.

The producers of ABC's hit drama have shot so much crucial material for the show's hugely anticipated series finale that the network has agreed to extend the last episode by an extra half-hour.

The supersizing of the finale is the latest adjustment to what might as well be called "The 'Lost' Weekend." ABC is airing an "enhanced" (pop-ups) version of the show's original two-hour pilot on May 22. On Sunday there's a two-hour retrospective titled "Lost: The Final Journey," followed by the finale, then the local news (which was preempted in the first-blush recounting of this plan) and Kimmel post-show.

What more proof that do you need that God exists? :-)